Useful Websites

Shepherd Works - This is the website for the dietician clinic run by Dr. Sue Shepherd, and has lots of useful information on IBS.

Crohn's and Colitis Australia - A great resource and source of support for those with IBD in Australia

Crohn's and Colitis Foundation of America - A great resource and source of support for those with IBD in the US.

Crohn's and Colitis UK - A great resource and source of support for those with IBD in the UK.

World IBD Day partners - A comprehensive list of links to Crohn's and Colitis groups around the world. Note that national groups in Europe are included under the European Federation of Crohn's and Colitis Associations (EFCCA).

What Can I Eat - A great resource for people with food intolerance or allergies, including information on specialty products and brands.

Cook's Thesaurus - A good resource for ingredient substitution when cooking.

Gluten Free Recipes 24/7 - This website is primarily focused on gluten free recipes, but is still a very good resource, as many of the recipes can also be appropriate or easily adapted for people with fructose malabsorption.

Better Health Channel - Run by the State Government of Victoria, Australia, this a good general resource for all things related to health, including lots of useful information on IBD and IBS.

About Health: IBD and Crohn's Disease -'s page for all things to do with IBD, and written by fellow UC suffer Amber Tresca, this is a very good resource for information on IBD and tips.

International Foundation for Functional Gastrointestinal Disorders - Based in the US, this non-profit organisation focuses on research and support. This is a good resource for information on functional gastrointestinal disorders, which includes IBS.

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